Friday, June 27, 2008
Is This Thing On?
Well, things have been a mite hectic for Karl and myself.
Karl's dog has been ill. So he's spent a good deal of time looking after the poor critter. On top of that, he's been training--as was mentioned in a previous podcast--for a late-night marathon in Tromso, Norway. In fact, he's in Norway as I write this.
And as for me, I'm not that busy, I'm just lame.
Because of all this, the hectic schedules and the lameness, The Conversation has kind of taken a back-seat to the rest of our lives.
Rest assured, though, we are simply on a hiatus. In fact, our long-awaited Salute to Shitty Cinema as been recorded and is simply awaiting some final edits from the busy, busy Karl. I promise you, we'll be back on our feet and spouting pointless nonsense that nobody wants to listen to before you know it.
Meanwhile, here's hoping that you're enjoying your summer and spending as much time as possible not vomiting.
Friday, May 16, 2008
We're Back!
After a nearly six week hiatus during which Mr. Karl Baloneypants underwent the necessary surgery to transform him into Ms. Karen Baloneypants, The Conversation has returned.
So click here or, if you're a click-o-phobe, find us at or start up your iTunes and wait for us to drip like delicious filtered coffee onto your computer. Then, get ready to rock!
(Actually, there's nothing particularly "rockin'" about this episode. It's more like smooth jazz or contemporary R&B.)
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's my imagination. But Joan Jett doesn't look the same to me. And not in a "getting older" kind of way. In a "I just had someone use a scalpel on my face" kind of way. I don't know. You all can judge for yourselves.
Maybe the incredible similarities between Michael J. Fox and Carmen Electra are just throwing me. I don't know.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Happier Than a Pig In Shit(ty Movies)
Now, we're giving you the opportunity to join in the fun with our Conversation Home Game! Simply watch all four Shitty Movie selections (They Live, Cliffhanger, Road House & Silverado) and send us your feedback.
Which movie makes the best use of shitty dialogue? Which features the hammiest acting? Which makes you want to shout to the tree-tops that you're enamored of reveling in utter shit and which makes you want to call up God and demand two hours of your life back?
So get cracking, Convers-o-philes! Watch some utter crap and share your opinions. Because, at The Conversation, we really care what you think.
Sorry, strike that. That should have read, We "really" care what you think.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Convys!
This is it! Awards season comes to an exciting conclusion as The Conversation presents the First Annual Convy Awards!
More star-studded than the Oscars! More relevant to the average American than the Grammys! Way, way butcher than the Tonys! It's like the Pullitzer Prize, if the Pullitzer people weren't a bunch of effete fucking douche-nuggets.
So strap on your headphones and be prepared to be absolutely fucking amazed. (Or maybe just a little annoyed. There's a whole range of emotional responses to this, actually.)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Episode 7 and Movie Minute Sketch are both up!
Bob and I cut this one early this week, as I'm heading OUT of beautiful downtown Cleveland for a little vacation in a couple of days.
In the seventh episode, Bob and I tackle the week’s toughest issues, like how fast the revival of American Gladiators is decimating our country’s collective I.Q. Other topics include: Fun with Mike Tyson quotes, Postal Douchebaggery, Alpha Female Sitcoms, Listener Mail, and Super Tuesday: What next?
Despite my vacation, though, stay tuned to The Conversation, as next week could be the biggest and best episode yet! We've got a HUGE extravaganza planned for Episode 8, but right now it's a big ol' super-secret. In a couple of days, though, we'll be teasing it right here, on the ONLY BLOG that follows the every move of our podcast!
So get a-downloadin', and be sure to send us your feedback on this week's stuff!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
To Douche and Douche Not
Anyway, I thought I'd take a moment to let both of our listeners know that, from time to time, we're going to take advantage of this here "weblog" you're looking at to post the occasional bit of bonus material that relates in some clever way to our show.
For instance, if we were to do a show in which we mentioned my astonishing sexual prowess, we might then post pictures of me engaging in sexual congress with one of the many, many ladies with whom I do that sort of thing. Because I'm so macho. Just as an example.
Today, though, I thought I'd treat everyone to the full, extended, director's cut list of movie titles from our Douchetacular. If you remember, which you most likely don't, we only got the time to go through five or six on the air. That's mostly because Karl couldn't come up with anymore, as he doesn't have as much testosterone as me.
So here, then, is my list of Douche Movies. I'm macho.
The Douche and Mrs. Muir
The Douchefather
Schindler’s Douche
Douchin’ in the Rain
It’s a Wonderful Douche
The Douche on the River Kwai
Some Like It Douched
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Douche
The Douches of Wrath
Douching Bull
The Douchebag of the Sierra Madre
To Douche a Mockingbird
Douchebag Indemnity
Douche by Douchewest
Snow White and the Seven Douchebags
From Douche to Eternity
The Sound of Douching
Douches With Wolves
The Douche Hunter
Guess Who’s Coming to Douche
Sophie’s Douche
Douche the Right Thing
The Man Who Douched Liberty Valance
Douche, Book and Candle
Live and Let Douche
You Only Douche Twice
Douchebags Are Forever
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Douchebag
Harry Potter and the Douchebag of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Douchekaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Vinegar and Water
Harry Potter and the Order of the Douchebag
Friday, February 8, 2008
"The Conversation" takes iTunes by emm effing STORM!
If any of you faithful listeners would like to be the first to write an iTunes review (keep it truthful), we'd certainly appreciate it!
Legions of listeners are just around the corner!
Viva la conversacion!
Welcome to "The Conversation!"
Please give us a listen, and stay tuned here for more Conversation-related materials from Bob and me!