Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Breakfast Reunion with Oscar Was Stimulating

For our landmark 15th episode, we decided to string together a bunch of unrelated topics and just blather on about them for awhile. It's really special.

The first topic is truly near and dear to my heart. In fact, I'd be delighted to hear what any of our listeners (we're going to go ahead and pretend that some exist) have to say on the subject of breakfast food. Favorites? Savory vs sweet? Egg style?

So give a listen and please feel free to share your thoughts with us. Hell, we might even mention you in our next podcast, as long as you also send a naked picture.

1 comment:

the beige one said...

To prove to you that someone is actually listening to these (even if it's weeks behind schedule), here are my comments on this episode, internet troll style:

1) The pastrami benedict at the Mars Bar would be my breakfast of choice.

2) Gran Torino's critical reception, at worst, could be described as mixed. Audiences didn't go for it because it defied their expectations (and you know how that goes in this day and age).

3) Uwe Boll, while one of the worst directors in the universe, is nowhere near as bad as Roger "Battlefield Earth" Christian.

4) Val Kilmer was in Red Planet, which was actually about as good as Cliffhanger.

5) An American Carol was directed by one of the Zucker brothers, sadly.

6) High school reunions are retarded, why the fuck are you going to yours? That simple fact earns a massive FAIL. DIAF, douchebag!

Clearly, you suck.

See you next week.